I had the great honor of being a Best of Show honoree of the 12 Inches of Sin art exhibition a few years back. The fond memories are still very vivid. Simply put, this show is a fun and intriguing celebration of human sexuality and life. From the seriously provocative to the witty and beyond, the myriad exploration of the subject through new and established artists eyes is a delight to peruse. And the sexy and provocative ambience that gallery owner Dr. Laura Henkel brings to the actual event is more than worth the trek to fabulous Las Vegas. The opportunity of meeting up with some other artists whose work I had greatly admired, seeing the other works up close, and partaking in the festivities at hand was not to be missed. Not only a great venue and exposure for artists but I would encourage any and all to come and partake in visually celebrating the “reason” we are all here.
~ Jeff Wack
Featured Art:
City of Angels, Mixed Media on Canvas / Tryptic, Jeff Wack
Interview with Jeff Wack, Consort PR
Jeff Wack’s Sensuous Muses, Juxtapoz